FAQs for Portal

FAQs for Portal

1.Who manages the portal?

The portal is managed by a CSR Cell within the Department of Education.

2.Where does my money go?

The money would be transferred to the bank account of RCSE. Post that, it would be sent to the bank accounts of either the relevant District Screening Committee or the School Development Management Committee for project implementation in the targeted schools.

3.How would project implementation be monitored?

Each school would be required to submit Utilization Certificate post completion of the project. Furthermore, District and State Level Screening Committee would monitor progress of work to ensure that timelines are met.

4.Would I be provided any incentives for funding projects?

Yes. Individual donors would be provided 80G Tax Exemption.

5.Does Gyan Sankalp have an 80G?

Yes. All benefits under 80G would apply to donors.

6.What is CSR?


7.I am an individual. Can I use the feature Create a CSR Project?

Create a CSR Project allows CSR companies to prepare customize projects. However, in certain cases, where the funding amount is significant, the government might allow individuals to Create Projects.

8.I am a company. What portal features will qualify as a CSR project?

According to our legal counsel, funding through Adopt a School and Create a CSR Project will qualify under Sec. 137 of the Companies Act. Please check with your own legal counsel to ensure that it will work for your corporation.

9.What sort of paperwork will I receive to confirm funding?

You will receive a receipt that will contain all relevant details to make you eligible for 80G exemption.

10.What does mode of implementation mean?

Gyan Sankalp Portal allows CSR companies to either directly implement a project or opt for government implementation. Direct implementation means that a corporate is responsible for implementing the project, either through hiring an agency to do the work or doing the work themselves. In this instance, no funds are transferred to the government directly, but the donation is given “in kind”. Government implementation means that the corporate will transfer money to the government, which will then implement the projects through their own channels and then report to the funder on project progress through the portal.

11.What does the dashboard do?

The Dashboard would allow donors to view projects and track their progress.